Geopolitics and the Measurement of National Power
Surveys Formulas Literature People About Data Residue

Here are a number of articles and works related to the quantification of national power (not included in the other sections).

Chang, Chin‑Lung. 2004. "A Measure of National Power." Paper presented at an international seminar at the National University of Malaysia, 16−17 February, in Bangi, Malaysia. Available at:

Galtung, Johan. Mora y Araujo, Manuel. & Schwartzman, Simon. 1966. "El Sistema Latinoamericano de Naciones: un Análisis Estructural." América Latina 9 (1), 59−94.

Galtung, Johan. Mora y Araujo, Manuel. & Schwartzman, Simon. 1966 [1980]. "The Latin American System: A Structural Analysis." In: Galtung, Johan. ed. Essays in Peace Research. Volume IV: Peace and World Structure. Copenhagen: Christian Ejlers.

Gonçalves, Reinaldo. 2005. Economia Política Internacional: Fundamentos Teóricos e as Relações Internacionais do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.

Gonçalves, Reinaldo. [2009]. ["Mini Curso: Poder e Vulnerabilidade"]. [presentation]. [online]. Available at:

Haluani, Makram. 2002. "Sistemas de balance de poder regional: geografía, jerarquías y poder nacional." Cuadernos del Cendes [online] 19 (50). Available at:;=sci_arttext

Haluani, Makram. 2006. "Orígenes históricos y componentes del poder nacional contemporáneo: factibilidad y utilidad de la medición empírica de las capacidades estatales." Cuadernos del Cendes [online] 23 (63). Available at:;=sci_arttext

Haluani, Makram. 2008. "The Shaping of the National Power of States: How Capabilities, Advantages and Individual Performance Produce Competitive Regional Hierarchies." Paper presented at the 2nd Global International Studies Conference by the World International Studies Committee (WISC) at the University of Ljubljana, 23−26 July, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available at:

Hu, Angang. & Men, Honghua. 2002 [2004]. The Rising of Modern China: Comprehensive National Power and Grand Strategy. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Korea Institute of International Economic Policy (KIEP), 19−20 March 2004, in Seoul, Korea. Available at:

Hwang, Karl. 2011. "Power in Alexander Supan's Guidelines to General Political Geography (1918/1920)." Przegląd Geopolityczny 3. Available at:

Inboden, William. 2009. "What is power? And how much of it does America have?" The American Interest (November-December), 15−27. Available at:

Ou-yang, Guo-Hua. 2006. "The Comparison Model of the Comprehensive National Strength under the Globalization." International Journal of Business and Management 1 (3), 70−85.

Schwartzman, Simon. & Mora y Araujo, Manuel. 1966. "Imágenes de estratificación internacional en Latinoamérica." Revista Latinoamericana de Sociologiá 2 (2), 179−204.

Schwartzman, Simon. & Mora y Araujo, Manuel. 1966. "The images of international stratification in Latin America: A Reputation Study based on Social Science Students." Journal of Peace Research 3 (3), 225−243. Available at:

Yan, Xuetong. 2006. "The Rise of China and its Power Status." Chinese Journal of International Politics 1 (1), 5−33. Available at:

Zahreddine, Danny. & Gomide, Nathália. 2009 "As Relações Internacionais e a Elaboração de um Índice de Poder: Uma Análise da Projeção de Poder do Leste Asiático." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ISA ABRI Joint International Meeting at the Pontifical Catholic University, July 22, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Available at: