Geopolitics and the Measurement of National Power
Surveys Formulas Literature People About Data Residue

Here are a number of operational power formulas.

Süßmilch 1741 Pop: population, PD: population density

Power = Pop × PD
Friedensburg 1936 MP: military power, NatRes: self-sufficiency in natural resources, Pop: population

MP = NatRes × Pop
Wright 1955 MP: military potential, Pop: population, Engy: energy production

MP = Pop × Engy
German 1960
克劳福德 哲曼
G: national power, N: 2 if it possesses nuclear weapons – 1 if it has none, L: function of the use of land, P: function of the use of manpower, I: function of the use of resources, M: number of military personnel

G = N ( L + P + I + M )
Fucks 1965
威廉 富克斯
VP: virtual power, E: energy production, P: population, S: steel production

VP = ( E × P 1/3 + S × P 1/3 ) / 2
Alcock / Newcombe 1970 RP: relative power, POPrank: population rank, (GNP / POP)rank: per capita GNP rank

RP = −8.85 + 0.67 POPrank + 0.47 (GNP / POP)rank
Singer 1972 CINC: composite index of national capabilities, tpop: total population, upop: urban population, sp: steel production, fc: fuel/coal production, mb: military budget, saf: military personnel

CINC = ( tpop + upop + sp + fc + mb + saf ) / 6
Ferris 1972
Population logged0.0998
Government Revenue0.1905
Defense Expenditure0.1885
Trade Value0.1589
Armed Forces Personnel0.1122
Government Revenue per capita0.0762
Defense Expenditure per capita0.1120
Power Capability0.9996
Cline 1975
R. S. 克莱因
Pp: perceived power, C: critical mass (population and territory), E: economic capability, M: military capability, S: strategic purpose, W: national will

Pp = ( C + E + M ) × ( S + W )
Beckman 1984 steel: percentage of world steel production, pop: percentage of world population, pol_stab: score for political stability, engy: energy production as percentage of world total, nuc_weap: percentage of deliverable nuclear weapons

Power = ( steel + pop × pol_stab  + engy + nuc_weap ) / 4
経済企画庁 1987
Economic Planning Agency
(Government of Japan)
CNP: Comprehensive National Power, CC: capability of contribution to international society in conditions of international cooperation, SC: capability of survival to independently ensure national survival against foreign threats, EC: enforcement capability to influence countries outside international systems to participate in them

CNP = ( CC + SC + EC ) / 3
黄硕风 1989
Y: comprehensive national output, K: coordinated coefficient, H: "mass" of CNP, S: "acceleration" of CNP, t: time, α: hard elasticity index, β: soft elasticity index

Yt = Kt × ( Ht ) α × ( St ) β
Caro 2000 P: power exponent, T: technology, GNP@PPP: GNP at PPP, NC: nuclear capacity, DE@PPP: defense expenditures at PPP, i: respective country

Pi = Ti 0.42 × GNP@PPPi 0.72 × NCi 0.20 × DE@PPPi 0.53
Davutoğlu 2001 G: resulting coefficient of geopolitical and geoeconomic power, SV: hard data, PV: potential data, SZ: strategic thought, SP: strategic planning, SI: political will, t: history, c: geography, n: population, k: culture, ek: economic power, tk: technological power, ak: military power

G = ( SV + PV ) × SZ × SP × SI

SV = t + c + n + k

PV = ek + tk + ak
NSCS 2002

National Security Council Secretariat
(Government of India)
NSI: National Security Index, HDI: Human Development Index, RDI: Research and Development Index, GDPPI: GDP Performance Index, DEI: Defense Expenditure Index, PI: Population Index

NSI = ( HDI + RDI + GDPPI + DEI + PI ) / 5
Агеев 2004
IPI: integral power indicator, M: management, T: territory, NR: natural resources, P: population, E: economy, C&R;: culture and religion, S&E;: science and education, A: army (armed forces), FP: foreign policy (geopolitical environment)

IPI = ( M + T + NR + P + E × 1.5 + C&R + S&E + A + FP ) / 9.5
Virmani 2004 VIP 2: Virmani Index of Potential Power, Y: GDP at PPP, L: population; y: per capita GDP at PPP

VIP 2 = Y × y 0.5

VIP 2 = L × y 1.5
Hillebrand 2006 TechPower: economic‑technological capability, GDPPC: GDP per capita

TechPower = GDP x GDPPC
2006 زرقانی
NP: national power, EC: economical factor, PL: political factor, CL: cultural factor, SC: social factor; MI: military factor, TR: territorial factor, ST: scientific and technological factor, TN: trans‑national factor, AS: astro‑space factor

NP = ( EC + PL + CL + SC + MI + TR + ST + TN + AS ) / 9